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A Thrill of Hope Nativity

A Thrill of Hope Nativity

Regular price $127.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $127.00 USD
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A Thrill of Hope

A quiet, little thrill,

stirring deep within our soul

A little thrill of hope

to make us all feel whole.


This tired, old world

is beaten down and worn,

We need a thrill of hope

to keep going on.


That little thrill of hope

was whispered soft as a breeze,

When that sweet Babe was born

to set us all free.


As we focus on that hope,

we have courage to endure,

We have joy in our hearts

and our peace is secure.


Embrace that thrill of hope

at this joyous Christmastide

Share the message with all others,

o'er the whole world wide!

This nativity is Teaberry's 2024 nativity. The back of the nativity folds down for easy storage. Each nativity comes with a windup music box that plays "O Holy Night." The batteries for the lights will not be included.

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